Getting Kids to the Dentist

Introducing your child to regular dental visits from a young age is essential for their oral health. However, many children may feel anxious or fearful about visiting the dentist. There are ways that you and your dentist can make your child’s visit enjoyable. If they have good experiences at the dentist, they are more likely to continue their oral health care journey as adults. This will reduce their likelihood of severe dental problems in the future. 

Getting Kids to the Dentist

Start Early

Bringing your child to the dentist at an early age sets the stage for a lifetime of good oral health. Regular dental visits create a routine that normalizes dental care for children, promoting healthy habits.

Early visits allow the dentist to identify and address any potential dental issues, such as cavities or crooked teeth, before they worsen. By starting early, your child can build a trusting relationship with the dentist and become familiar with the dental environment, reducing anxiety.

Making Dental Visits Exciting

To make dental visits enjoyable for kids, creating a positive and engaging experience is important. 

Choose a Kid-Friendly Dental Office:

Opt for a dental practice that specializes in treating children, offering a colorful, welcoming environment with toys, books, and games. Many dentists are trained to work with children. This can also help your child’s experience. 

Read Books and Watch Videos About Dentistry:

Introduce your child to age-appropriate books or videos that explain dental visits and procedures in a fun and relatable way.

Role Play at Home:

Encourage your child to play dentist at home using their stuffed animals or dolls. This can help them develop a positive perception of dental visits.

Preparation and Communication

Preparing your child and effectively communicating about dental visits can help ease their anxiety. 

Use positive language when discussing the dentist. This means that you should avoid using words like “pain” or “hurt” when discussing dental visits. Instead, focus on positive aspects, such as a bright, healthy smile.

Before their appointment, you should talk to your child about what happens during a dental visit. This should include the exam, cleaning, and the importance of oral hygiene. If they know what will happen, they are less likely to be anxious. Additionally, you should encourage your child to ask questions about dental visits and address their concerns honestly and patiently.


Motivate your child and offer incentives to make dental visits more exciting. This will also help them make positive associations with the dentist. 

Some children have items that make them feel safe. Allow your child to bring their favorite stuffed animal, blanket, or toy to the dental appointment for added comfort and familiarity.

Praise your child for their bravery and good behavior during dental visits, emphasizing the importance of their efforts. Then, you can reward them for good behavior. Consider creating a rewards chart where your child can earn stickers or small prizes for each successful dental visit. Also, you can make the dental visit a special outing by planning a fun activity or treat for your child afterward, such as a trip to the park or getting ice cream.