Tooth Bonding for Cosmetic Issues

Tooth bonding is a type of dental procedure that your dentist can use for a variety of cosmetic procedures. Compared to other cosmetic procedures, tooth bonding is a non-invasive, reversible procedure. The process of tooth bonding is reversible because the material is made of composite resin. 

Dentists typically use composite resin when filling cavities. In fact, tooth bonding and dental fillings are very similar procedures—minus the drilling. Generally, dentists use composite resin because it is flexible and durable within the mouth. 

Tooth bonding is perfect for several cosmetic issues. 

Zoomed and cropped image of woman with pretty, perfect smile tooth bonding cosmetic dentistry dentist in Jackson Heights New York

Chipped or Broken Teeth

A chipped or broken tooth can ruin the symmetry of your smile. As a result, many people want to fix the chips in their teeth. Although there are alternative cosmetic options, tooth bonding is a quick, non-invasive way to fix your smile. For example, you could request a dental veneer to cover a chipped or broken tooth. 

However, getting a porcelain veneer involves the removal of your enamel. Before your dentist places the veneer, they have to shave down part of your tooth in order to ensure a flush placement. Unfortunately, this involves taking away your enamel, which protects the tooth from bacteria.

Additionally, it makes the procedure permanent, meaning you will always have to have a dental appliance. Once removed, your enamel cannot restore itself. 

Fortunately, your dentist can simply use tooth bonding to restore the original shape of your tooth. If you are unhappy with your results, your dentist can remove the tooth bonding with ease. 

Whitening Treatments

Many patients desire white teeth, especially around the holidays and important events. For most people, they can take a quick trip to the store or browse the internet for whitening treatments. Nowadays, effective whitening treatments are easily available. However, chemical whitening treatments cannot solve some discoloration issues. 

Dental trauma, medications, and genetics can permanently alter the color of your teeth. This makes it difficult to whiten the shades of your teeth. Traditional whitening treatments use chemicals to break down stains. Unfortunately, this won’t work for some types of stains. Therefore, it is necessary to camouflage stains instead. 

In one appointment, your dentist can cover up years of intense discoloration. They can place the dental bonding on top of your teeth in whichever shade of white you desire. 

Reshape Your Teeth

Due to its flexible nature, tooth bonding is an excellent option for teeth that are misshapen, smaller-than-average, or have gaps. In addition, if you are unhappy with your smile, it is likely that your dentist can use tooth bonding to give you the smile you desire. 

For example, fixing gaps is common among patients. Removing gaps between your teeth is not just a cosmetic issue. Gaps can make it more difficult to clean your teeth properly. As a result, you have an increased risk of developing tooth decay or gum disease. However, your dentist can use tooth bonding to increase the size of your teeth, removing the gap.